Understanding sprains: A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament (which connects bones). They're common in active kids.
Ankles, wrists, knees... any joint can be affected.
Signs of a sprain:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Trouble using the joint
- Maybe a "popping" sound when the injury happened
Mild sprains: Often get better with home care (see below).
Seek care if:
- Severe pain or swelling
- Can't put weight on the joint
- You suspect a broken bone
- Home treatment isn't helping after a few days
Physical exam: The doctor checks for tenderness, range of motion, etc.
X-rays (sometimes): To rule out fractures.
- RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. This helps most mild sprains.
- Pain relievers: Ask your doctor what's safe for your child's age.
- Severe sprains: May need a brace, crutches, or even surgery in rare cases.
Night Watch Pediatric Urgent Care: Fast sprain assessment and the right treatment plan for your child.